This mineral helps build bones and teeth and keep them strong. When the level of calcium in your blood falls too low, the parathyroid glands release just enough PTH to bring your blood calcium levels back to normal.

causing bone, where most of your body’s calcium is stored, to release calcium into the blood.The parathyroid glands’ only purpose is to make PTH, which helps maintain the right balance of calcium in your body. View full-sized image The parathyroid glands are located on or near the thyroid gland in the neck. Doctors usually catch primary hyperparathyroidism early through routine blood tests, before serious problems occur. Too much PTH causes calcium levels in your blood to rise too high, which can lead to health problems such as bone thinning and kidney stones. As a result, the gland makes too much parathyroid hormone (PTH).

In primary hyperparathyroidism, one or more of the parathyroid glands is overactive. “Primary” means this disorder begins in the parathyroid glands, rather than resulting from another health problem such as kidney failure. Primary hyperparathyroidism is a disorder of the parathyroid glands, four pea-sized glands located on or near the thyroid gland in the neck. Should I change my diet if I have primary hyperparathyroidism?.How do doctors treat primary hyperparathyroidism?.What tests do doctors use to look for complications of primary hyperparathyroidism?.How do doctors diagnose primary hyperparathyroidism?.What causes primary hyperparathyroidism?.What are the symptoms of primary hyperparathyroidism?.What are the complications of primary hyperparathyroidism?.Who is more likely to develop primary hyperparathyroidism?.How common is primary hyperparathyroidism?.